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Old 03-21-2001, 07:53 PM
Posts: n/a
10k/5k 91 350sd


i drive a 1995 e300 diesel 6 cilender engine 606
180.000 mile perfect te best of the best.
I'm changing oil/filter by mi self, fill the tank and go
At 160.000 mile i change the vacuum pomp and the timing
$1.000 repair well spend, this is a 124W body style,
you can get this cars for 17/21 with decent miliage.
And if you get a car like this remember to gange the vacuum pomp and taiming before a brake down (140.000 mile) than a well cost more mony to fixed.

bye Maurice

E300 diesel 1995 180.000 mile
E300 TE 1990 133.00 mile
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