Well it's probably 4 really.
And this sucks, I wrote this out and it dissappeared. I'll try again, abridged.
I previoulsy posted a thread about a $1500 beater I saw. I'm new to diesels and to mercedes. I can DIY, but really DIM since it's myself, but then I seem dim...
All cars look nice. No rust or dents. Typical rock dings and scratches, but still shine nice. Look much better than you would expect for 20 year old cars. All have good glass. All windows and sunroofs work. None had power doors locks that work (do the 300d's even have power locks?) No rips in leather. None smoked that I could notice, but wasn't really looking. Glanced at back of car and didn't see anything, so I said, "no smoke." No puddles under cars, but all were a little oily in the engine department. Guess that's normal.
83 300sd, 158K, Drives Great. Gold with grey (don't remember doesn't matter) leather. 2nd owner, never owned anything other than diesel mercedes her whole life. She bought from an older couple. Selling becuase she bought a land cruiser for driving in the winter mountians. No service records, but will give me number to mechanic who she says will vouch for it up and down. Says can cruise at 100mph, and does great up mountain passes as long as you keep the revs up. Says 38mpg on highway, I said BS. Will need tires soon. ACC and cruise work. Stock radio. Asking $4200, could get for $4K, don't know if will go much lower.
85 300d, 130ishK, Drives good. Seemed a little "jerky" compared to the others. But still smooth and strong. Grey/silver with blue leather. One family car that was bought by a broker and is now cosigned to a dealer. Broker says just had it "tuned up," and "turbo adjusted." New tires and wheels. New dash cap to cover old cracked one. I think the ACC was converted as well. Broker showed me driver door is slightly off color (accident?) but car fax ok. ACC and cruise work. Stock radio. Dealer asking $4800, get for $4k maybe?
83 300d, 160K, Drives Great. Pretty good get up and go. Seat seems kinda saggy towards the door. Grey/silver with blue leather. 2nd owner bought at 135K miles 4 years ago for teenage son who "never got a ticket and is pretty conservative," says dad. Son went to college and car has been driven only occasionally since. New tires, brakes, shocks, glow plugs, tranny rebuilt at 140K. Owner under the impression that they must be rebuilt every 150K (sounds like a shop line to me.) Dash cracked all over. This is the only one I stuck my hand under the exhaust and I saw a slight whitish color to it. By my limited knowledge of diesels, this seems normal to me. Really Nice radio. ACC and cuise do NOT work. Asking $5k but I said no way, I'm looking at other for $4k and he said ok for me. We work at the same company.
I really liked the way the 300sd drove and looked, but it's the one with the least history work done to it that I know. There are no other sd's for me to look at except the $1500 beater.
Now, I wasn't even looking for a car until the jerk
above drove his car to work with the for sale signs in it, and I've been looking ever since. I already have a reliable vehicle, a Toyota truck, so I don't even need a car. But I'm sick of bouncing over everything, flooring it up every hill and to maintain highway speeds (4 banger.) So the 4th choice is:, should I even get one. Rationally I should invest my money since cars depreciate. Are these "good" deals or "run of the mill, average, you could find a car like that at that price anytime" kinda deal?
I have a few pics of a couple of them if necessary, but just think nice car....
wow, is this as long as I think it is?