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Old 09-15-2004, 02:04 PM
mpolli mpolli is offline
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The specs I have come from Their data seems a little sketchy as far as I can tell but this is the first time I have subscribed. Anyway, I could not find any spec for spring tension on the arm. I did find a spec for the distance between the windshield and the "gear head" which appears to be the round silver part at the bottom of the arm, underneath everything nearest the windshield. I assume closer would apply more pressure to the arm. The spec is 5 to 8 mm and mine is at 9mm. Only problem is AllData supplies a drawing that appears to be from another chassis (they do this a lot, ala Chilton). So it is unclear how to make this adjustment. As for as lubing the little joints, I can see how this would help but I have a couple of issues with it: 1) Water is somewhat of a lubricant and the arm is always wet when in use. 2) What ever I use would need to resist washing off in the wind and rain 3) If it washed off it would go on the windshield which could cause even a bigger problem. Any info on adjusting the gearhead would be appreciated.

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