Thanks Privatelabel. I may do that. Lexus are great cars, as well as the diesel Mercedes of the 80s. As mentioned, my car has 231K and still runs like new. I am amazed it is so smooth at these miles. At idle, I have to look at the tach to tell if the engine is still running. Transmission shifts are still unnoticable.
I just wish parts were a little cheaper and it was easier to work on. Starter replacement requires removal of the exhaust manifold- which most places charge $800-$1000- JUST to *change* a starter. Front suspension bushings replacement are also high $$$- which is another common problem on these cars. Basically the first generation LS400 (1990-1994) are virtually bulletproof, but have the following trouble spots- LCD climate control screen (leaks and turns black after a while), instrument cluster flourecent lighting go out after several years, but it a very easy repair, - mine is still fine (as you will see in attached photo of my instrument cluster), but they do sometimes go out, flicker or the needles do not illuminate. Also, power steering pump leaks- which leads to bad alternators, because design flaw. The alternator is below the pump and the fluid leaks in the alternator and over time, the alternator goes bad. Also- front suspension bushings go bad and cause a "clunk" in the front suspension when you hit bumps. Other than that- no other trouble spots. Electrical systems are way above average for a imported luxury car.
Thanks again for the advice.
Originally posted by PrivateLabel
I can feel for al of you. My suggestion is, honestly, keep the aging Lexus and get the 'other' MB Diesel on the side. It is obvious, that MB has lost out to Lexux beginning in the late 80's due to quality issues, I firmly believe that LEXUS is now producing a car with much better quality and reliability than MB at the same time. I hate to make this statement, but I know that quality standards at MBZ have gone way down after the intro of post-126 models.
Even as a die-hard german myself, here is my judgement: I will collect as many W115, W123, W116 and W126 as I can (as much Diesel as possible0, because those represented the proper balance of extremely high quality and durability. The turing point was after W126
If I were you, get the Diesel you want but keep the Lexus, share the opinions in the forum openly and then part after one year -if you need to- with either the Lexus or the MBZ