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Old 06-02-2004, 10:25 AM
Duke2.6 Duke2.6 is offline
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Originally posted by cc260E
have you removed the switch for cleaning /inspection?
I intend to do it on my 260E 1988 which has the same engine as 190 2.6.
How did yo adjust it back, any procedure?
The switch would be very difficult to remove due to its location and use of phillips head screws to mount it. The first thing to do is disconnect the pigtail on top of the manifold and check that the switch provides the correct WOT and idle signals. Mine was intermittent at idle.

The "fix" for me was to liberally spray the switch and surrounding area with mineral spirits, then a shot of WD-40 when it dried. I also disassembled the throttle linkage and gave it a thorough cleaning and lubrication. I used white lithium grease on the ball and socket joints and a shot of silicone spray lub on the roller joints.

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