I really don't think it's algae. All of them I've seen act just the OPPOSITE of what your is doing. Algae problems I've seen don't cause a cold problem. Algae causes the car to slowly starve of fuel at highway speeds, then you have to shut it down. wait 15 to 30 minutes, then it'll start and run fine again, for maybe 30 minutes if you're lucky. Unless you drive at a lower rpm/speed. You could always run the fuel tank to say below 1/4 tank, then remove the sender unit and use a good small bright flashlight, unspect the inside of the tank for black slimey crud.
Other avenues to explore would be a bad glow plug (check amperage draw, the only "real" test), and valve timing. I'd be curious to know if the compression is OK also, maybe still starting OK, but poor power output when cold due to a worn engine......