Originally posted by olpos
although it does not save much to do your own oil change,you don't have to wait for some one else to do it. and you control the quality of your parts and labor
wal mart gave you the price for bulk dino oil. mobil 1 is about 5 dollars a quart,even for them.
Wallyworld typically has the 5 qt. jugs normaly for $18.00 and sometimes on sale for less. I have to change oil about every 3k miles on my superbike so I'm always on the look for the good deals on oil. Perhaps not all of them carry it but take a look for the big jugs as it's a fair bit less expensive to buy that way (about $3.75 a qt.)
As far as DIY. I always do my own oil, and bout 90% of my own maint on my cars and most of the time on the bikes. Largely for quality control (you would not belive the f-ups I found on my bike that I paid $1300 to have serviced last month at a dealer - freaking unreal).
If you think you can do it yourself, give it a go. You will know it was done right and you might find maintenance items that need attention before they become big issues. Plus it brings you A LOT closer to your car. This is also why I alwasy wash my own car. You notice new paint chips and other damage before it can get out of control. Nobody else is likely to point them out (just and example).