To get this apart takes a little juggling, The buttons for the seat adjuster pop off, then pry out the plastic insert under the latch. Take out the screw there, (here's the tricky part) then unscrew the front of the armrest, while pulling out on the latch and holding the plate under the latch out of the way, trying not to gouge up the armrest. then unscrew the last armrest screw. After that the whole door panel will slide up and disengage a bunch of tabs that hook into the door. It will still be connected by the wire to the light, theres just enough slack to get it out of your way without disconnecting it. When you put it back in watch for breaking off the tabs along the top edge (mine were already broken) or the panel won't seat enough to push the memory seat buttons. You could tell it had been worked on by the broken tabs and missing plastic door liner.
Last edited by 240dnewbie; 03-27-2004 at 10:35 AM.