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Old 03-03-2004, 12:06 AM
Lycoming-8 Lycoming-8 is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2002
Location: NE Okla
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For me the first step was to remove the ash tray and any screws that hold the ash tray holder. With that all out, the radio can then usually be removed fairly quickly. the section above the ACC is kinda tricky, but if you remove the wood face plate around the ACC, I believe you can access the lower back side of the upper switch panel with a couple of fingers. You need to gently pop that whole unit out as I don't believe it is screwed down.

The wood or plastic piece that holds the window switches and surrounds the shifter is held down by a couple of molded on spring clips to the outer rear of the shifter hole area. Also there is a plastic pin that holds the lower rear part of the "wood" to the console base. This pin is WEAK and runs horizontally into the console base at the front of the "coin tray / junk tray". So the wood piece must be freed at the front then moved out to the back till the plastic pin is released or breaks off. Later result is not very good, as the wood will not stay down tightly there after.

There are now a couple of screws behind where the upper switch panel sat, and some screws under the carpet that is glued or adhered to the bottom of the coin tray that allow the top and bottom portion of what I call the "console base" to be semi free to move.

The console base is now just held down to the carpeted section below it by a number of paired metal "z" clips. These hold quite securely and the console base is really just formed plastic (urethane?) foam with a sculptured cover laminated to it. So again, be sure to locate each left and right clip pair and carefully pry the base from the carpeted section. The base has a very fragile cross section just where the ash tray base starts and where the contour goes from horizontal to diagonally up to the radio and ACC area.

Good luck with all of this. Removal of the ACC unit should now be obvious, and the various ACC electrical / vacuum pods are also out in the open for servicing.
1961 190Db retired
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