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Old 09-15-2003, 03:36 AM
MB300ENZ MB300ENZ is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2003
Posts: 15
doesn't start, waterblaster the problem ?

I need some help, desperetly
I did waterblaster my german benz
,, with my german kaercher waterblaster
and this was the end of the fun !
I was to start it and it doesn't start !
I did NOT waterblaster it under the hood !
I just cleaned its outside and did do the wheels,,
when starting the car it has heaps of power, spark in the plugs,,but doesnt kick the final startup !
I have tried for 3 days now !
I have opened up everything I can open up just to ensure that no ater has trickled its way in under the hood,
after trying to start it for 3 days the battery went dead,, when charging the batery it wont start again when gear is in park !
I get nothing when turning key when in park but when I put gear in neutral I can start it,, just the full I want to start but the final kick doesnt come so it starts ! 3 days now ! I called road assistance since I live far away from any towns and workshops, this guy that came didnt know how to open the hood on a mb and he hit his head on the hodd,,he took the plugs out and said:heaps of spark,,dont know why it doesnt styart and then he left me !
I am in New Zealand and as far away from workshops that I can come!
I won't tow it in to town,,they have no MB workshop and it wil be the same guy that came out to look at the plugs !
my thought is, is there something that I can have hit with the water when clening the whels,,something undreneath, something close to trans since it now only wil even make some noises only when in neutral ??
need help !
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