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Old 06-20-2024, 11:10 PM
corporal_Canada corporal_Canada is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2024
Posts: 5
actually i am seeing a few 240D's near the capital at more reasonable prices.... 1000$ less...

i will REDO my question

because i only intend to drive said vehicle LESS than 100 km a week... and i want this to be a cheaper alternative.. so i will stick with the ancient Mercedes and ride WVO without a conversion kit..

and i will add a bit more information.. i WILL filter the wvo on my balcony through a 400 mesh filter (dont know how many micros that is)
let it sit for a week... and dump it in the cars fuel tank...
additionally, i will order the best diesel filter (with water separator) install it into the 240D and and have minimum 10 little filters inside the vehicle as back up to replace on the go... i will include the photo..

my daughter lives 12 hours drive/boat from me, i would love to be with her all the time...

please tell me what damage am i expecting to see ??? caramelization ? clogged injectors ? and after how long ? 5 years ? 10 years ?
and please tell me cheap ideas to avoid that kind of damage... like electric heating tape... anything..
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