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Old 06-30-2003, 08:45 PM
Greg in Oz Greg in Oz is offline
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Location: Sydney, Australia
Posts: 627
"High" clutch pedal problem. Any ideas?

A few months back I started a thread regarding replacing the clutch in my 190E, see:
190E clutch replacement. Any tips?
At the end of that thread I concluded that, according to the measuring gauge, the clutch did not require replacement. I still have the problem though, that the clutch pedal is very "high" (ie. the clutch engages at the top of the pedal travel). This seems to vary slightly and my earlier suspicions of some slip were not imagined. Just the other day, under hard acceleration in third gear, when the engine neared its maximum torque at around 3,000 rpm, the revs flared to about 4,000. This was definitely clutch slip as lifting off the power had the revs drop back immediately to around 3,000.

My question is why is this happening. If, according to the measuring gauge, the clutch is not worn out, why is the pedal taking up so high? Why does it also vary slightly so that on some occasions I get slip and not on others? It must be a problem with the clutch release mechanism or the hydraulics. I just don't like pulling things apart without really uderstanding what the problem is. Any ideas would be appreciated.
107.023: 350SLC, 3-speed auto, icon gold, parchment MBtex (sold 2012 after 29 years ownership).
107.026: 500SLC, 4-speed auto, thistle green, green velour.
124.090: 300TE, 4-speed auto, arctic white, cream-beige MBtex.
201.028: 190E 2.3 Sportline, 5-speed manual, arctic white, blue leather.
201.028: 190E 2.3, 4-speed auto, blue-black, grey MBtex.
201.034: 190E 2.3-16, 5-speed manual, blue-black, black leather.
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