Hey Guys,
I just got my potentiometer today for the 16v, I installed it ,
and set it .7, started the car and it idled badly(but steady for the first time in in some while) and when I gave it some revvvs it would stall every time coming back to idle. I measured it agian it was .7 still,
so , I losened the pot screws and started tuning by ear ,lol
I found a sweet spot(1.13) where it was running very well,
but the idle is a firm 1100 or 900 w/A/C, I coundn't get it to idle at 900 and not stall after revvving it, maybe if I adjust the mixture screw? or is this what the little trim screw is for???
All and all I am very pleased with the new pot, no more screwie up and down idle, no more hesitation, cold start
was finally normal, it seems faster through the gears
I really have to thank Steve (my newest hero) and everyone , I have replaced ALOT for parts (almost everthing ) to find these problems.
I had no idea about this most important CIS feature, and the best part about this is it a cheap ,quick fix.
I will spread the word
190e 2.3 16v