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Old 12-05-2021, 01:52 PM
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t walgamuth t walgamuth is online now
Join Date: Apr 2005
Location: Lafayette Indiana
Posts: 38,862
I put a stick in a 300cd with 82. In early 123 cars the ac is mounted high on the r side of the engine. Later cars from about 82 have it mounted low.
[SIGPIC] Diesel loving autocrossing grandpa Architect. 08 Dodge 3/4 ton with Cummins & six speed; I have had about 35 benzes. I have a 39 Studebaker Coupe Express pickup in which I have had installed a 617 turbo and a five speed manual.[SIGPIC]

..I also have a 427 Cobra replica with an aluminum chassis.
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