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Old 01-17-2020, 08:47 AM
75Sv1 75Sv1 is online now
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I can see a ban in larger cities. Still, if there are no smog checks, whos to say newer vehicles polluted less? I still see a few other than mine on the road, W123s. Its winter so some pull their cars off the road. I see more W123s than say Ford Contours etc. The only other vehicle I see a bunch of from say the 80s and 90s is Jeep Cherokees. Those are in a split category. Rough use and soccer moms. I have three presently. Two of them running. Also a Comanche, not running. Also, people basically rebuild them. They are not high dollar, so people use them. How many of the old 911s do you see? I bet a bunch of them are hanging out in the garage, when the prices skyrocketed.
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