Thread: 1998 E300TD
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Old 12-21-2019, 07:46 AM
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- passenger window goes off track and I have to push it towards the back to close.
- the head liner near the rear window is flapping in the wind, but still attached at the edges.
- one of the return fuel lines (maybe two) is leaking.
My DD has been a 98 E300 for a few years now. You will get better mileage if you fix the leak. You did not say whether you are a diy'er or not.

Anyway, replace passenger side window regulator.
Let it flap.
Remove intake manifold and replace all the plastic and rubber fuel lines. It will be a pia to get going upon completion but it will crank once you get all the lines full fuel. While doing lines replace fuel pre-filter and spin on filter. Don't forget o-rings too.

Make sure you always have a spare, good, working key nearby.
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