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Old 11-21-2019, 11:04 PM
hercules hercules is offline
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Posts: 363
Originally Posted by Diesel911 View Post
You can't change the Drive Shaft Support and bearing without loosening the nut and you need to collapse the drive shaft to remove the inner rear control arm bolt on aW123. I don't think you can change the flex discs without collapsing the shaft either.
You're right. Those who lack experience probably can't. Here's how: If drive line is ready to come out, tap on back end, and drive line will slide apart. If changing the center support because it's torn, grab drive line once apart and give a couple good yanks and it will come right out of the car. Going back in, lube splines, center splines, and make sure it is straight and start tapping back in. Bolt up. I've done this many times. Hope you can find a way also.

On removing flex disc, they may be difficult but I've never ruined one yet. It's all in knowing how. (experience)
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