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Old 11-12-2019, 12:26 PM
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vwnate1 vwnate1 is offline
Diesel Dandy
Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: Sunny So. Cal. !
Posts: 7,797
Thumbs up Good Stuff Here !

Wow, you're doing a bang up job here .

I usually remove the flange studs and use a really W I D E fine bastard file I bought decades ago to true up flat sealing surfaces ~ those who don't understand it will cringe in horror but I've corrected many sealing issues this way as you did .

You must really like whomever owns this car for the good job you're doing on it ~ the devil is always in the details and most Mechanics like to do flat rate and skip anything not absolutely necessary .

I wonder of the dipstick tub's upper grommet is the same as my OM617 ? it came loose recently and wobbles ~ not weeping any oil (yet) but it being loose bothers the heck out of me .
1982 240D 408,XXX miles
Ignorance is the mother of suspicion and fear is the father

I did then what I knew how to do ~ now that I know better I do better
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