The costs and benefits are exactly the same as for automobiles. The off-road equipment has not been regulated AT ALL, while emission from automobiles has been since 1962. The EPA just outlawed draft tubes on diesel trucks a couple years ago -- your "friendly" trucking lobby at work.
There is enough off-road equipment out there to have a substantial impact on air quality, believe me!
Fuel consumption and sound level are both very important to Japanese equipment makers -- not only will the Japanese not buy anything but very quiet cars, noise levels are very striclty controlled, else the entire nation would be deaf by now.
Off-road fuel is not regulated for sulfur content, road use fuel is. Ir will have the sulfur content reduced considerably in the near future, too.
1972 220D ?? miles
1988 300E 200,012
1987 300D Turbo killed 9/25/07, 275,000 miles
1985 Volvo 740 GLE Turobodiesel 218,000
1972 280 SE 4.5 165, 000 - It runs!
Last edited by psfred; 04-18-2003 at 11:45 AM.