Originally Posted by marco5
Your car is absolutely stunning. By "gross" do you mean dirty, rusty etc? As long as they are not sticking or leaking then they should be fine.
A proper rebuild would be replacement of the piston, orings etc. Sorry no spare parts here.
Thank you!! It’s been a little more work lately than I’d have liked but I just love driving it. By gross I mean krusty rusty and just a little weepy/sweaty but still (for now) doing their jobs. However, they should get a rebuild but I fear there is NO WAY those rusted ass screws are coming out of these things in one piece.
Here we are with a morning coffee - my neighbor with the S550 is a lovely ninety-something y/o woman in a house from the 1800s. And I’m the thirty something with a MUCH slower and older Benz, ha!
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