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Old 05-17-2018, 11:44 AM
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vwnate1 vwnate1 is offline
Diesel Dandy
Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: Sunny So. Cal. !
Posts: 7,797
? Is my 39 & 3/4 years old Son a millennial ? .

He's ever so impatient and has wrecked more vehicles because of it, he didn't like my W123's until I bought the graymarket wagon, then he asked me to give it to him when I'm done with it, he thinks it's great .

When he was younger, _every_ shift, regardless of traffic or the vehicle, just _had_ to be a power shift, he ruined the trannies in most vehicles he owned or borrowed .
1982 240D 408,XXX miles
Ignorance is the mother of suspicion and fear is the father

I did then what I knew how to do ~ now that I know better I do better
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