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Old 01-29-2018, 03:31 AM
zendermerc zendermerc is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2018
Posts: 8
300CE W124 M103 engine woe

Hi Folks,
Throw a little problem out there. My Coupe with about 170k miles has been running silky smooth for some time. Couple years back I swapped it to classic registration which limits number of driven days as I wanted to preserve her and her midnight blue Zender kitted glory. About a month back, I took her for a short workout after she had been sitting for awhile.
Ran beautifully, didn't miss a beat.
I stopped at the supermarket on the way home. On coming back to the car and start.....
Bang (like a backfire) and no start. It wants to turn over but just won't do it.
Fuel fine, pumps sound fine, battery fine, starter sounds fine.
Now the perplexing problem.
IF I depress the throttle plate ever so slightly it will start quickly and easily.
Release it and it stops. Depress it too far and it stops.

I have had such a variety of "its the......" suggestions that are far and wide.
Many seem to ignore the fact it starts and idles fine with the slightest depression of the throttle plate. I can't for the life of me imagine how that correlates to a distributor cap and rotor button, which is one of the suggestions. If it wont start due to those things depressing the throttle plate is not going to provide a fix IMO. (I could be wrong of course)

So guys any ideas I can check myself before committing to towing it to a mechanic who will likely experiment until he finds the issues ? Not really cashed up too well right now for expensive repairs and she will just have to sit in the driveway if its a major problem.

Over to you, and thanks in advance.
Zender Merc

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Last edited by zendermerc; 01-29-2018 at 06:13 PM.
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