My 500E 1/4 mile results
Went up to Santa Pod today.
Bloomin 'eck it was slippery ! First run I did was against a flame spitting Nissan Pulsar GTi-R with an intercooler the size of a house. Oh... and the driver said he's just spent a few days configuring the launch control. Cripes ! Results were:
Reaction - 1.014s (errrr!)
60ft - 2.729s
330ft - 6.516s
1/8et - 9.587s
1/8mph- 80.00mph
3/16et- 12.154s
1/4ET - 14.442
1/4MPH - 102.11
Thats not a bad terminal speed for a 14.4 second run. Basically a crap launch, followed by a decent run.
Second run I did was without traction control. Just spun all the power away. Damn lack of LSD. Was much slower :-(
Brian Drought
1999 Lotus Elise
1991 Mercedes 500E