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Old 10-03-2016, 08:53 AM
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syljua syljua is offline
C140 CL500
Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: Norway
Posts: 132
Originally Posted by anziani View Post
Wait a minute, guys. I don't know if the '97 CL500 and 600 are different than the CE series but in both of those cars two things have to happen. 1) the door has to open, and 2) there has to be weight on the seat. This can be a bag of groceries or a six pack.
No, that's not the experience I have with mine 98 CL500. When
I let passengers off, upon shutting the door, the presenters always extend,
regardless of weight in seat or not.

I have not seen any circuit drawing or sensor reference to support
statement 2 above, either.

1998 CL500 W140
1984 230E W123
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