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Old 07-18-2016, 11:29 PM
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funola funola is offline
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Originally Posted by Demothen View Post
This is all a moot point.
The condenser is installed.
Even if i knew the volume difference between the condensers, there is no way to know thar it would scale the oil quantity. With different refridgerent flow paths, there is no way to know how much the new condenser would retain.
Ultimately I chose to use the same quantity as the FSM calls for. I will be adding it to the drier when I am ready to charge the system, unfortunately that will probably be next week since I am waiting on pressure test equipment to get here.
Did Klima provide any guidance/ recommendation on adjusting the amount of oil/ refrigerant with their PF condenser?
85 300D turbo pristine w 157k when purchased 161K now
83 300 D turbo 297K runs great. SOLD!
83 240D 4 spd manual- parted out then junked
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