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Old 03-12-2003, 01:47 PM
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Originally posted by glenmore
[B]You have a serious misunderstanding of the facts here. The US or it's allies are not required to FIND proof. Resolution 1441 REQUIRES Iraq to prove they have no WMDs. Since they had WMDs before and they have provided no proof that they have destroyed them, ergo, they still have them.
I don't think the absence of proof of their destruction proves that they exist. I think this argument is not valid enough when the lives of innocent women and children are at stake. Cooperation with Iraq will not happen overnight, it will take time, and not enough time was given.

It's not a matter of applying UN resolutions : There is a country called Israel who is as we type in violation of more than 10'000 different UN resolutions over a 50 year course, yet no sanctions against them are ever approved because systematically vetoed against by the US? Why is this? The violations are proven, they're not speculations but facts...

And I respectfully disagree about the motivations of the French and German government. The bottom line is that war should be used as a last resort, it is not time now to consider that all the other options have failed. Hans Blix is I think very qualified for his job and if he says that cooperation is improving and that progress is being made, then it means the inspections are working.

And I'm really sorry if I do not believe that the Iraqis would be better off with a war. The population is absolutely terrified and I'd rather see them alive under dictatorship than dead from some misdrop. Look at that monster 21'000 pounds bomb they're planning to use. I dread the consequence of a "surgical" strike with one of those.