Originally posted by Manu
...No proof has been produced about the presence of weapons of mass destructions in Iraq, no proof either has been shown about a connexion between Iraq and Al-Quaïda...Don't mean to piss anyone off but those are just the facts, or absence thereof, which is why this war will be illegal and unilateral... [/B]
You have a serious misunderstanding of the facts here. The US or it's allies are not required to FIND proof. Resolution 1441 REQUIRES Iraq to prove they have no WMDs. Since they had WMDs before and they have provided no proof that they have destroyed them, ergo, they still have them.
It is perfectly all right for France to be against the war. It would be disingenuous though for the French to claim resistance to war for humanitarian reasons. The French are against the war for the simple reason it does not benefit their economic interest. The French get along fine with Saddam the thug, and to hell with the Iraqi people. Undermining the US is also in their best interest. French bashing aside, it is important to see what motivates France and Germany in a true light.
1991 300CE