Mine quit last Sunday after church. Turned the key, radio on, but nothing. Well, I knew the battery was quite old, I think going on 8 years, so I put in a new battery. Everything seemed hunkydory. Wednesday I was out running around and 15 miles from home and "no crank" again. But I have a push button starter on mine to avoid using that trouble making switch all the time. Just turn the switch on, but I don't use the start position nor do I use the steering wheel lock. That is gone also. OK, so no start and in getting a little peed off, I held my starter button down for 4/5 seconds, pushing it on and off in disgust, when It suddenly got hot and started to smoke. Well that meant the solenoid was drawing a lot of power and was locked up. Well, I have other starters with solenoid on hand and installed it. So, just saying, don't overlook the solenoid on top of the starter. They do fail also.
Christianity, if false, is of no importance, and if true, of infinite importance. The only thing it cannot be is moderately important. C.S. Lewis
1983 Mercedes W123 240D 4 Speed 285,000 on the road with a 617 turbo, beautiful butter yellow, license plate # 83 240D INDIANA
2003 Jaguar Type X, AWD. beautiful, good mileage,
Mom's car, but I won't let her drive it!