Originally Posted by charmalu
Here is one for $100 but you will need to spend $200 for a hyd Press.
Or if you know someone with a press would be cool and cheaper.
[URL="https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.benzworld.org%2Fforums%2Fattachments%2Fw123-e-ce-d-cd-td%2F503782d1364017442-suspension-parts-mercedes-ball-joint-tool.jpg&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.benzworld.org%2Fforums%2Fw123-e-ce-d-cd-td%2F1703394-suspension-parts.html&docid=QCvdy7ThUCl4KM&tbnid=SSnqo3SAvdFr2M%3A&w=760&h=692&bih=521&biw=1093&ved=0ahUKEwiAh9yhuvTMAhWEuRQKHf-DBDI4ZBAzCAcoBDAE&iact=mrc&uact=8"]  760 × 692 - benzworld.org
Here is my version of this tool. I made with a $5 pipe from the remnant pile from my local steel yard. It measures 60.8mm outer diameter and 49.8mm inner diameter. With a $3 dollar Harbor Freight cut off blade, I took off the side to make it fit the knuckle. Works great. With my 20 ton press, it drives the new ball joint down in less than 1 minute. I've done 6 ball joints in the past few years with this $8 dollar tool.