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Old 04-19-2016, 02:59 PM
Demothen Demothen is offline
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The material adhered to the dash well (I had used some citrous cleaner, as well as feathered the edges of the crack). The material seems to cure to a flexible state.

The problem I had was that the filler was being washed away by the dye a bit, since they are both water based, and my filler was not cured as completely as I'd have liked. As bwhitmore noted, this is apparently solved by letting the filler cure for a week before dyeing it, but I was in a major rush due to some circumstances outside of my control. Essentially the cracks are still slightly visible, just because the area filled is a tiny bit lower than the rest of the surface. I think this was more a problem with how I applied things than with the material itself.

Vinyl over the filler would certainly work, as far as I can think. I can't imagine how you'd get the vinyl to stretch to the contours of the dash without a vacuum forming rig. If you can make that work, more power to you!

Really, if you're not rushed, and or can use a paint sprayer, I think the products will let you get your dash back to 99% perfect condition. I'd call mine 90%, since I was rushed (I have some spots where gunk fell into the dye, and some brush strokes, plus the imperfect fill on the cracks)

Here's a before & after of the worst crack I had to deal with. It's between the instrument cluster and the defroster vent, and was probably 1.5" long.
Attached Thumbnails
Cracked dash restoration-after.jpeg   Cracked dash restoration-before.jpeg  
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