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Old 01-09-2016, 10:16 PM
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Coasttocoast Coasttocoast is offline
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Location: Honolulu
Posts: 302
I'm stuck on the disassembly of the M110 engine until I receive the spring compressor I ordered to pull out the rocker arms.

I had a little time today to perform some more maintenance on the car. I swapped the points and condenser for the Hot Spark unit and new coil. Quick and easy install. Less than an hour including resetting the timing.

Then I went on to do a compression test while I was changing plugs.

1 - 155 lbs
2 - 100 lbs
3 - 160 lbs
4 - 160 lbs
5 - 100 lbs
6 - 150 lbs

I tested by removing all plugs, opening up the throttle, cranked 8 times.

As number 2 and 5 are low I dropped in about a teaspoon of oil into both of those cylinders. Retested, 2 went up to 160 lbs and 5 went up to 170 lbs. The oil test shows a problem with the rings, not the valves, FYI.

Since this car has been sitting for a while, and maybe even driven little in the past few years, I hoping that maybe a little use might free up the rings. For good measure I sprayed in a bit of WD40 and let it sit a bit, WD40 fixes everything, right��.

Seems to run a little better, I'll check the compression again in a week or so and see if it comes up. But still runs pretty good, good enough to drive around and get used to the car and modify while I'm building the new engine.

Tomorrow I'm rebuilding the two Webers and adjusting the valves. We will see if that adds any performance increase or not.
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