Originally Posted by Stretch
The nut is indeed meant to be done at 220-240 Nm (Newton meters).
The friction of the shaft is in newton centimeters but I can't see a Ncm friction torque in the FSM for that kind of number.
If you look in post #1 you will see a link to the FSM on startekinfo - this is the whole chapter 46 PDF
I'm a bit nervous for you now you've taken off that nut and have no way of applying the correct torque - you're gonna have to go for five white knuckles or more!
I can never seem to open starttekinfo, wants me to log in or something, and if I click your link in the first post it brings me to a page that says 'temporarily unavailable'
In my last post I attached the 46-0236 which is the guide for the w201/124 input shaft seal.
Step 20 in that guide definitely says 280-320Ncm for the large 6 notched nut
Really, it took very little force to loosen it.