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Old 07-06-2015, 11:07 PM
Rooster300SD Rooster300SD is online now
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W126 aluminum trailing arm swap

Well, I was at PNP today and saw a 500SEL with
100K less miles than my SD, so I grabbed the
aluminum trailing arms w/calipers, also the sway bar and springs.
Noticed right off that the sway bar is different.
Calipers are on the opposite side of the hub from the SD, too.

My trailing arms are out now so I figure I'm halfway there.

Everyone talks about those aluminum arms so I nabbed 'em.
Are they plug N play--except for that sway bar.
Also, are the springs & calipers specific to those Alum arms?

Opinions from anyone whose done the swap
would be greatly appreciated.

1984 300SD 300,000 miles--two tank WVO setup
2.88 diff & 500SEL anti-squat rear end
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