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Old 05-10-2015, 10:30 AM
leathermang leathermang is offline
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Originally Posted by Graham View Post
What exact section of FSM says that? I recall reading same statement before, but never could find anything in on-line manual. I would like to read where it specifically says that PS nut should not be used as well as what the torque for the nut should be.

The section on valve adjustment says:

I found a section in my paper 107 manual that says torque for the PS pulley nut should be Wonder what torque it takes to rotate engine against compression? (I would check, but no clearance for torque wrench)

I am interested, because I usually jog engine to somewhere near proper position, but use PS nut to position more accurately. Taking glow plugs out on a 300D just for valve adjustment, is not an option (for me!)
Ok , you caught me.... I JUST MADE IT UP......
it would not surprise me that finding it in the online manual might be hard..or impossible.... I never use the online manual.... I have most every paper manual I know of for my 123 and have sat down and read them front to back... they are not particularly organized... seems like repetition ...where they changed parts or instructions... and the pictures are sketchy many times....
Having been a mechanic for close to fifty years.... I suggest , if it really says 50 lbs for that nut... that that is a TYPO..... perhaps it says 50 INCH lbs.. or some metric something which will convert to way less than 50 ft lbs...
Let me know after you check on the specifics again...

I do find it interesting that people JUMP RIGHT OVER the manual giving specific directions for what TO DO... use the crank nut....why is that ... which you did find.. .not sufficient to convince you that is the correct method to turn the engine...? Some kind of conspiracy theory that they are just trying to make your life or working on your engine Harder ? LOL
Regards, Greg

ALSO .... as a different approach to why one would want to avoid ' interference fit ' on this tapered shaft and its pulley........ if you search the archives you can see my posts about me helping TCane take that pulley off his PS pump ... on a car new to him....
The reason not to use the CAM nut... is that the ' in tension ' side of the engine is the drivers side... using the cam to move the compared to the chain causing the movement of the cam... means you are ' pushing a chain' ... and you risk introducing a skipped tooth on things like the IP....
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