Sorry, I filled the car info in the wrong spot - signature fixed.
It's a 1968 280S, twin Zenith craptastic goodness. Its nickname is the Demon Car as it behaves like it's utterly possessed. Some days it will start and run like a champ...others, it's crank, crank, crank, sputter, sputter, sputter. It blame the Zeniths because it's what the cool kids do
If I undertake the project, I wouldn't lose sleep on the value. Doing it so I can have fun. Already have more $ in it than it's worth on the market.
To lump some answers in one response:
Don't care about Zenith vs. Weber as it's a manual car. If the M130 stays, the better drivability choice wins.
I'm not set on a V8, just slightly partial to it because burble, burble, vroom! I also love the sound of high revving, butter smooth I6s, so I'll go with the "biggest benefit to the butt dyno for the buck" on this one. I'd prefer to keep the manual tranny if I can help it. I might consider a road rally in it one day. Maybe.
Because I live in a condo and the baby's coming in May, I've accepted that someone will have to do the heavy lifting. If I keep it, I'd like to strip off the undercoating and stop the rust before getting into heavier $.
If someone is close to the Toronto area and wants to join me in this project, I'll happily skip the shop part
Exterior pics, more to come...