MTI - Sure buddy i'll keep my eyes open for what you want, i'm sure if you want it i can find it for you. its only a matter of going to speak to the local wreckers, my mate is a mechanic so i should be able to get him to get the part at trade prices. so if you do want it tell me and i'll look it up. just confirm what it is you want exactly i don't want to stuff it up.
If this works for you, and if its cool with you i might try to do the same and get the opposite mirrors off you.
Bill - I know the part you want i have a few friend in the smash repairs industry and the body kits industry i'll see what they can turn out for me. i should hopefully be able to get you a better price on parts and on Post and handling. pity i didn't know about it about 2 weeks ago my dad just few to Washington DC on sat, he could have taken the parts. anyway not to worry. i might be able to pull something together with the people i work with a few of them travel overseas. tell me your budget limit so i know what parameters to work with in.
Alon/Ashman - thanks for posting that photo thats what i thought it was but i wasn't completely sure.
have a good one till next time -