Originally Posted by Botnst
A very good night for the tea party folks. The Repos are a bunch of cowards and the Demos are a bunch of jealous whiners. Hope the tea party folks continue to rend the modern political fabric.
Maybe you missed the part where the Tea Party helped Terry McAuliffe become Governor of Virginia. That is crazy. The non-Tea Party GOP candidate who lost the nomination, Bill Bolling, would have mopped the floor with McAuliffe. Now, we have the Governor's mansion for 4 years, with a previously unknown, but very impressive, Ralph Northam as Lieutenant Governor who will probably be well positioned to win it for the next 4 years after that. The Tea Party candidate for Lieutenant Governor was even more preposterous than the one they put up for Governor.
The only fabric being rended around here is the GOP fabric. Keep it up, Tea Party.