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Old 05-26-2000, 11:59 PM
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Aaron Aaron is offline
Join Date: Aug 1999
Location: Cincinnati, Ohio
Posts: 1,939

Wurth makes a black RTV silicone called "Sensor Safe". It works great and can even be used in place of some gaskets. Permatex also makes and equivalent called "The Right Stuff". They both come in a "Cheez Whiz" type can and should be applied lightly to both mating surfaces of the gasket and everything should be assembled fairly quickly after the compound has been applied. I use it on most gaskets, paper and cork. Always works wonders! You probably won't be able to find the Wurth product as it is only available through distributors to shops but the Permatex can be had at your local auto parts store.

Aaron Greenberg
MB technician
Precision Motorcars, Cincinnati, Ohio
'67 250SE Cabriolet
'77 450SL
'80 300SD
'85 380SE
'89 420SEL
'93 300E 2.8
'74 Jensen Interceptor Mk.III
'81 DeLorean DMC12
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