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Old 08-06-2013, 09:44 AM
Txjake Txjake is offline
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Originally Posted by chilcutt View Post
So....what are your thoughts on strong minded Black men such as Luis Farrakan....MALCOM X.
Malcom was a righteous man, railed against the system...struck down by treachery

Farrakan seems a bit looney.....and is somewhat of an opportunist and baiter.

NOI has at times, been the best solution for crime ridden neighborhoods. However, like what happned when the Taliban took control and stopped the post Soviet invasion infighting of the Mujahadeen, many fear what would occur if they (NOI) were the dominant force. radicalism has its place, but seldom is sucessful in long term solutions for anything....not saying particually the NOI is that radical in the Islamist fashion, but the nexus is there.