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Old 08-06-2013, 12:30 AM
HuskyMan HuskyMan is offline
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Originally Posted by cmbdiesel View Post
I believe he was in the middle of a phone call when he met the Zim...
Events seemed to have moved pretty quickly from that point onwards.

I find it interesting that the Zim corner is now asking why didn't TM call the police, when we have heard so much about the right of the people to stand up for themselves....
That there is some twisted logic that states the Zim was able to blast an unarmed kid because he felt threatened, but the kid should have called 911 when he felt threatened...
TM was out looking to do a little Whup Ass. This is why when saw he was being followed he:

1. did not call the police, because a real gang banger never calls the cops.
2. circled around to catch GZ off guard as GZ was making his way back to his truck.
3 Came out and asked GZ, "WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM"
4 GZ replies, "I don't have a problem".
5. TM says, "YOU HAVE A PROBLEM NOW" and proceeds to WHUP GZ's ASS.

Now, if you didn't grow up on the streets and your daddy or momma didn't teach you the basics of street fighting, I feel sorry for you and anyone else here who doesn't understand it. GZ is a big overweight marshmellow compared to TM. TM got him down on the ground (ALL STREET FIGHTERS KNOW TO DO THIS - IT IS HOW YOU MAINTAIN TACTICAL ADVANTAGE) and proceeded to pound his head against the concrete. During the scuffle, GZ's shirt rode up revealing his gun. GZ had a legitimate fear that TM might gain control of the gun so GZ went for it FIRST. Many many people are shot and killed WITH THEIR OWN GUN due to losing control of it. GZ knew he had one chance and one chance only to stop the fight and so he did.