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Old 05-25-2013, 01:07 AM
Rooster300SD Rooster300SD is online now
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Join Date: May 2009
Location: Sacramento, CA
Posts: 724
crashing cars & euro lenses

I purchased a new Bosch Euro lens off of ebay for around 50.00 last year.

I have personally witnessed a car crashing to the ground at PNP.
Two cars down from me the welded wheel support broke through
the trunk of a car. If someone had been under that car they
could have been killed. Plastic trunk?

I still get under cars to look around and get stuff.
MB are much more stable than some other cars and I really don't worry
about it too much.

1984 300SD 300,000 miles--two tank WVO setup
2.88 diff & 500SEL anti-squat rear end
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