Thread: 1996 S500 Coupe
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Old 05-22-2013, 03:27 PM
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KenP KenP is offline
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Thanks for the compliments on the car. If/when I sell it, I'll probably regret the sale as soon as the buyer pulls out of the driveway.
I've gotten a couple of emails wanting to see the interior, so here are a couple more pix.
As you can see, its a true pillarless Coupe. There is no vertical pillar between the front and back side windows. Because of space constraints, the back windows don't quite disappear into the body, but its close.
This arrangement requires a bit of engineering and electronics to make it all happen.
When everything is closed up and you move the door handle, the back window goes down about 1/4 of an inch, then the front window goes down about the same, and then the door opens.
When you close the door, the autocloser grabs the door latch, pulls the door in and reverses the window process. That way, Mercedes can latch everything together and lock the windows into the roof when they are closed.
The result is zero wind noise.
Attached Thumbnails
1996 S500 Coupe-dscf0400.jpg   1996 S500 Coupe-dscf0399.jpg  

1996 S500 W140 Coupe
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