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Old 04-07-2013, 12:26 AM
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gerryvz gerryvz is offline
"Unhinged Troll" - Jim B.
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: The Woodlands, TX
Posts: 1,268
A car is the sum-total of its parts. If the parts are junk, the car is junk.

What a waste. Indeed, there are those who feel that Yurro is as good as OE, and one cannot reason with them. I don't fault the owners so much, in today's economy people want to save a buck, and Yurro fits that bill nicely in our "good enough" world.

I have the biggest problem with SHOP OWNERS who knowingly foist this parts-drivel on their unsuspecting customers, yet charge them factory (or moderately discounted) prices for it, in the interest of maximizing THEIR profits. In the case of Yurro flex discs, and perhaps other parts, it's actually a safety hazard for customers.
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