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Old 11-18-2012, 12:33 AM
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Sev Sev is offline
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To the person who wrote about california smog, there are some counties in CA that don't do smog tests AT ALL (google it, or check DMV).

I believe like the OP and others that, with the rise of certain political ideas, platforms and politicians (in CA we have a super-majority of democrats who are all environmentalists), that it's just a matter of time until diesel cars of our vintage are classified as gross polluters. Remember that just a couple years ago, they literally DOUBLED the smog requirements in CA! That already put a lot of gasser MBZ owners 'out of business' (i.e. no more Mercedes driving, or get an illegal smog and pay $200+ to drive every two years, or by forging your location to the DMV as some have done. Small price to pay someone to 'pass you', but for some, it's cheaper than the fix required to bring your car into the acceptable smog level according to the state).

The bottom line is that as time goes bye, with trends going the way they are, our diesel cars are going to be harder to keep legal, without special exemptions. Europe is more socialist than America, so they will fall first. And then it will be California, and other states will follow suit.

To those in California who love their Benzes just as much as others love their guns, Arizona is always an option
i know Jim Smith. i don't actually know him, but I know of him
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