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Old 06-22-2012, 03:20 PM
ah-kay ah-kay is online now
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I am surprise no info.

The defrost pod controls the flap and diverts air to the vent or to the windshield. This is how I removed the one on my 83 300D, the part # is 9062200342 but I cannot find any info on the web. I repaired it by replacing the diaphragm inside.

1) remove the push rod linkage to the flap. Put a screw driver behind the push rod and turn. It will pop out.
2) remove the pod by twisting it anti-clockwise.

Older model cars use a similar part. It is pressed into the metal bracket so it is destructive to remove it. Also the push rod is attached to the flap using a metal clip. It is also destructive to remove. The reason I know is that I test-ran it in a junk car which is prior to 83. Removed the diaphragm from the junk pod to fix mine.

Hope this info help others.
Not MBZ nor A/C trained professional but a die-hard DIY and green engineer. Use the info at your own peril. Picked up 2 Infractions because of disagreements. NOW reversed.

W124 Keyless remote, PM for details.

1 X 2006 CDI
1 x 87 300SDL
1 x 87 300D
1 x 87 300TDT wagon
1 x 83 300D
1 x 84 190D ( 5 sp ) - All R134 converted + keyless entry.
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