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Old 06-18-2012, 08:55 PM
MEPEH MEPEH is offline
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Originally Posted by twinockchef View Post
I will be replacing the pinion seal sometime next month and the only thing which concerns me is the crush sleeve. The Pagoda SL Group has extensive disscussions about the proper torque setting for the pinion nut. One, its not easy and Two, if the nut is over torqued the crush sleeve will become damaged. Resulting in the need for a rebuild. Spend the $120 its less expensive that a rebuild.


So read the that Tony H provided
3,27 axle checkout, reseal, repair & install
and also look at these.
Differential Pinion Seal
Differential Pinion Seal
Also look in the Big Blue Book

After looking at your photos it appears that you cross strut rubber is severely compressed. I just recently replaced mine and I also believed they were OK. It was only after a process of eliminating the problems of rear end ride height and rear wheel camber that I understood that if you replace one it is always best to replace all.
The rear end was too high and different for each side. The camber was also positive and also different for each wheel. After replaceing the cross strut rubber the wheels became more positive but were now the same. This made it very easy to determine the proper thickness for the upper spring rubber thus obtaining the correct camber.
I believe that changing the cross strut rubber will not affect the geometry of the axel position. Just make sure that you tighten the nut back to its original position. Assuming that everything is original and has not been messed with in the past. I have done this twice with zero problems.

PS if you do run into problems with the geometry the Pagoda SL Group has this DIY for an alignment tool
Pagoda SL Group Technical Manual :: DriveShaft / RearAxle

Good Luck
Guess i'd rather take down the axle completely and take it to my mercedes mechanic to torque the nut. It would cost me less than buying a new tool and i'm sure he'll do it right. And it will be a good chance to CLEAN it !
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