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Old 05-02-2012, 04:46 PM
BrettS BrettS is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2006
Location: Fairfield, PA
Posts: 91
'93 190E blower has one speed

The heater/AC blower motor doesn't work at all when I first start driving. About 5 (or so) minutes into a drive it starts blowing, but at a very low speed. Changing the setting on the blower speed control does nothing. Turning the system off entirely does nothing (it still blows at the slow rate).

I've swapped both the climate control unit and the blower speed control unit out with units from my parts car (believed to be good). Nothing changed.

I do get heat from the slight breeze it creates (almost exclusively from the defrost vents).

I tried searching the forum for similar posts, but without luck.

I'm looking for ideas of what to check.

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