With the steering wheel off, there should be a line stamped at the top of the steering shaft, which should be at the exact 12 o'clock position (with the wheels pointed straight ahead), you would see this at the front of the shaft, or face of the shaft, what ever you want to call it. Also there is the tab that cancels the turn sig, this should be I believe at the 9 o'clock position. You will need to take the steering wheel off to see this, or to see the hash mark just take the big bolt off, no need to take off the wheel IIRC.
IIRC it is possible to install the shaft 180 degrees off, but no other way. But of course toe adjustment can mess things up as well. The steering wheel will fit on only one way, there is no variance there due to the airbag and horn connections, but most anything can be screwed up (LOL) due to toe adustment.
Is the wheel pretty close to straight when you go straight down the road?