Originally Posted by meltedpanda
well I looked, and could nto tell exactly what you needed from my parts boxes, if we had a picture I could look through my varrious clips and such.. I looked also in my manual for the vacuum set up in hopes to see a picture of the latch but that was a dead end as well. If you get a side off that is working perhaps you can get an idea, although it would have to be a back door, the drivers side is different
poke around here
it may help. Not in English unfortunately ,well some of it is..
EPC part number for spring clip is 1159940160 but not sure that is what you need .
From your link, it's item number 44, "CONTROL ROD" and it comes with the spring.
In his first pic, there is a looped spring on the left side, from the hole to the post formed by the end of the rod. There should be an identical spring on the right.
Based on the position in pic 1, and if both springs where there, activating the vacuum locks would move the rod down and since the springs are just enough stronger than the action of the lock, it will operate the lock.