Thread: New project car
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Old 09-14-2011, 12:25 PM
martureo martureo is online now
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Originally Posted by Zacharias View Post
Were you absolutely clear with them, when you had the estimate done, that you were removing the engine and all the accessories and wanted the complete engine bay painted?
Yes. They said they would be willing to tape up some of the smaller stuff that protrudes through the firewall. I'm looking just to get the engine bay this run.
The reason I ask is that I have "done" similar jobs on two cars in the past and I have to say that you have obtained an exceptional price based on what you are asking them to do. Cleaning and prepping the engine bay alone will take significant time.
Yeah, I think they're giving me a little bit of a leeway on this job because they know I'll be back for the body.
Are you removing the interior as well? If you want to change the colour, and do the type of job that you apparently want, that is the best way to do it.
I'm still debating this. I'll at least have to remove the headliner and some of the interior to get the door jams, but I'm not sure if I'll remove everything to get the inside done. I plan on keeping this car for quite sometime so I'm really just painting enough to make me (and more importantly, my wife) happy. I doubt I'll care if underneath the carpet the car is a different color.
Remember that all bodyshop estimates are based on what they are able to see in plain sight at when they estimate. Whatever turns up underneath the stuff you pull out and take off restarts the calculator.

I will be interested to hear what the price "out the door" turns out to be, when all is said and done.
I'll let you know, I know it's going to be more than $350 + $2800, but having that as a rough estimate isn't too bad. They were pretty impressed that I wanted to remove the trim and glass for them in the first place. From the looks of the work they've done and the cars in their shop they're used to people just dropping the car off with no prep work.
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